ver 2.1 ( November 21, 2022)
- js/jquery.js
- js/main.js
- php/sendMail.php
- style.css (only version 2.1 added)
- On all .html files added security "https" connection to Google font instead of "http"
ver 2.0 ( May 11, 2017)
It looks like the Home slider was broken on iOS 9 - we have test the site with phone emulator and site works fine on iOS 10 but there was a problem on iOS 9.
Carousel slider is replaced with new one (it looks the same like the old one).
Replaced files:
css/swiper.min.css - with - css/flickity.min.css
js/swiper.min.js - with - js/flickity.pkgd.min.js
Also changed:
- All HTML pages to include new CSS and JS
- js/main.js
- style.css
- index.html - new slider html code